Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Great Outdoors

Today we went to a Outdoor Sportsman Convention, It was at a church. I rockwall climbed (Twice!), tried my hand at archery, and a BB Gun Rifle.
They had hot dogs,which I don't like but eat one anyway (I was hungry), I put chili on mine. The hot dog w/chili made me sick. Before we left a man told my Dad that the chili had Deer in it!!!! Yuck!! Thats what made me sick!
After that my Mom joked that I ate Bambi!!!
:( :( :( :(


Catherine said...

Poor Bambi.

I hope you feel better, Hope.

Congrats on the wall climbing, I always wimp out on those.

Ryan said...

That's, uh... pretty gross, honestly. But seriously, hope your feeling better!