Tuesday, October 7, 2008

~ a day out with friends ~

Hello! I had the best day on Sunday! My friends Brenna, Alana, and I went to go see my friend, Allie, in the Velveteen Rabbit (she is in red make-up, she played the Scarlet Fear) She did Spactacular! After the show we were trying to get into the Green room (make-up room)to give Allie flowers. I ran so fast that I beat Brenna's brother Chad. When we got to the Green Room door I was too scared to open it. So I turned around and all of a sudden the door opened and I like jumped out of my skin!
So we saw Allie and she gave us autographs (lol)and we met her overly hyper, hair eating friend Pete (he played the wooden lion. After the we went for Ice Cream and I got Superman (very ranbowy but tasted like Vanilla) I think That was like one of the best days EVER!


Anonymous said...

glad 2 c we made ur day. lol